growth outside the box

The Prodigal One – October 27, 2019

Watching Bible videos today and while watching the story of the prodigal son a powerful thought came to my mind…I once was like the prodigal son though what I squandered away is not found in gold or riches but in time and knowledge for I had the one but was lacking in the other. My […]

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You Are …More

“Just because a thought knocks on the door of your mind doesn’t mean you have to invite it in.” ~ Unknown ~This post is dedicated to my baby Sissy and my sweet husband, I love you both more than words can say. Sissy, I believe in you and have absolute faith in you and your […]

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How I Do It – My Relationship with Christ

written March 21, 2017 Here we are again, another night where writing has been taunting me for the last few days and I have been trying to get it all sorted out in my head as to what it was I really needed to say. At first, it was why being a member of the […]

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If there is anything we truly wish to know it first begins within us as a desire. When it comes to learning of Jesus Christ we must have within us a desire to know about Him. As that desire grows we come to want to know more. More about Him, who He is, His life, […]

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Moving 2.0 & the Hand of The Lord

Even before my husband and I were married we talked about moving from his home. He wanted us to have a place of our own. No memories from a previous relationship gone wrong to haunt us as we began our journey together. We each wanted to have a place where we would feel we truly […]

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What it Means to Me to Take Up Thy Cross & Follow Him


I have come to not question why my scriptures open at times where they do, rather I am extremely grateful. Sometimes it is the answer to a question that has been weighing on my mind, sometimes quiet reassurance, direction, guidance or in this instant it has caused me to ponder, followed by a flood of […]

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The Heart of My Understanding

Often times we become so caught up in our day to day lives that we become consumed. Sometimes we lose sight of why we are really here, what really matters and we lose sight of the real and true answers to the questions we have, our questions on life, love, our trials and efforts. When […]

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The Purpose of Life & What It Is

original post date: April 14, 2013 Recently someone asked, “what’s the purpose?” Mind you, for whatever reason, this person no longer sees the purpose nor meaning to anything. Things happen in each of our lives that can drive us to ask ourselves or even others that very question. There was a time in my own […]

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