growth outside the box

Change-September 12,2019

I feel like I am in a constant state of change…a wonderful, beautiful process with lasting eternal consequences. I have gone from this person who wanted nothing to do with religion and have been reborn, almost completely. I see the Atonement taking hold of me, my heart, and my life and transforming it all into this beautiful being who desires to know who I truly am as I have come to discover whose I truly am.
Faith is a marvelous seed. As it is properly nourished, as commandments are obeyed and covenants are faithfully kept I feel the roots of my faith taking complete hold of me and I am loving this miraculous process.
I’m not the person I was 5 years ago, or even 3 years ago. I’m not the same person I was a year ago and not even the person I was 6 months ago. Changes are still coming, my transformation is not yet complete.
I truly love our Savior Jesus Christ and am eternally grateful for His grace, love, and mercy as well as that of my Heavenly Father. I love the change they have made in my life as I have embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ.