growth outside the box

Dream of My Dad- August 8, 2017

It was while fixing my hair this morning that I recalled that I had a dream last night. I remember only one thing about this dream and nothing more.

I don’t recall what was going on, who was involved or why; this is all I remember, my dad is ready to have his work done. I am so excited! I can hardly believe it.

What went through my mind after realizing this was who. Who can I ask to help me with this? I thought about Spencer, this boy from work, maybe he could do the baptism and confirmation. But, then I thought it should be the same person, start to finish.

I then thought about my friend & neighbor Ryan Merrill, I know he would be willing to help. After a few moments of thinking, I got a little teary-eyed and then finished getting ready so I could deliver warm brownies to Great Scott’s in Rexburg. Adam and Max weren’t working the other day when I brought some in.

I stayed and visited for about an hour and was going to leave when suddenly it hit me- ask Ryan Smith. I have called that boy Sunshine from the day I met him. I am now friends with his sweet wife Paige. Anyway, as I was waiting for him to come out I was talking with Adam about what I was thinking of asking Ryan.

(I can’t help but think of my dad here.)

“Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.”

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake”

1 Peter 2:10 & 1 Peter 2:13

When it came to actually asking Ryan I got all teary and choked up but eventually got the words out. He is willing to help & realizes that this makes us friends for life.

My meeting with the bishop tonight was good, as always. I am strong enough because I am a special spirit. He reminded me that I need to be in the temple. We talked about things that happened in the last week & how I feel like I can’t go even though I have done nothing wrong. I need to go & I can see my dad helping me with that now.

My dad has been on my mind a lot the last few weeks and I have wondered if he was ready & I am so grateful that he is. I really need him right now. I miss him but this is different-I am getting a whole different chance at a relationship with him. I am so grateful.