growth outside the box

Gratitude in Everything-The Lincoln logs of Life

This was a lesson I prepared for the Young Women back in November.

As I was preparing for this lesson, reading various scriptures & the lesson material there was something that seemed to stick out to me. That was the phrase “gratitude in all things”. That caused me to really think.

We all know what it means to be grateful. We are surely grateful for our many blessings and in the good times in our life but do we really know or understand why it is important to have an attitude of gratitude in all things?

I’d like for you to think about a hard time in your life and how you were feeling. Think of how much time took place during this moment in your life. Now, I’d like you to think of the blessings from that moment-ponder in your heart & mind if that blessing had come any other way would it mean as much to you as it does now.

Ponder how that moment in life has built you, your faith, your testimony, your character. There may be numerous ways in which you have been built by going through that moment in your life.

Did you have an attitude of gratitude through that moment? I know it’s not easy to be happy at all times and sometimes it seems impossible to be grateful in all things. It is possible, especially when you look back to moments from the past and realize the blessings you didn’t see at first. You’d be surprised by some of the things we often miss or take for granted.

“And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.:

D&C 78:18

Look back on your life. Take a moment to write down your blessings. There are probably more blessings than you realize. For each blessing you have noted is there a moment in time that brought you to that blessings? I know for many of mine there have been some heartbreaking moments that have brought unimaginable blessings into my life.

As we move forward from moment to moment in this life how can being grateful continue building us? The most important thing is that it keeps us looking at things with a positive outlook. Though things may not always go as we have hoped as we remain positive and grateful our lies will be blessed with peace and happiness.

How can we build an attitude of gratitude?

Each lincoln log in this pile represents something different. While some are the same size, shape and, length they too have different meanings for each of us. Building an attitude of gratitude is something that takes time and effort on our part. With faith in the Savior and in ourselves, it is possible.

Our first lincoln log of gratitude is, we must have a firm foundation. That is built upon our faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. This is a process that can take many lincoln logs to achieve but each of those logs in founded and supported by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our only sure foundation.

With each act of faith, we are building a sure foundation. Having faith in Jesus Christ is vital. He is the source of all that we need. He is our strength, peace, comfort and, endless love. He is our one sure confidence. As we build upon our Savior the devil with all his might “shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo,”. (Helaman 5:12)

Second, we must remember that the Savior has promised each of us, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:18) That for me is a huge promise. This too is a step that takes many lincoln logs as we acquire them one at a time, from moment to moment in our life.

In my short time as a member of His Church, I have come to understand that sometimes He sends others in His place to comfort me. Those who reach out to you n care, concern & love are doing so in so many ways on behalf of our Savior. As we allow others to help us through those times that may seem impossible to make it through we are acquiring the necessary lincoln logs that will help us to not only continue building and attitude of gratitude but maintain it as well.

Third, be patient with yourself. Like anything worth truly having this is a process. As you cultivate this type of attitude it will become a more intrinsic part of who you are. This is not just a once and done thing. Having patience with ourselves is a continual process, one lincoln log at a time.

Thomas S. Monson has said that “Giving thanks unlocks the doors of heaven”. I know this to be true.

Positive and negative forces cannot exist in the same being just as light and darkness cannot dwell in the same space. It must be one or the other.

Faith or fear, doubt or trust, yes or no, gratitude or ingratitude, following Christ’s plan for you or fighting it-there is no in-between.

From the moment we begin this process to the moment we end something wonderful happens. You see, cultivating an attitude of gratitude changes us. It makes us happier people. It makes it easier for us to bear the burdens that are placed upon our shoulders. It strengthens us spiritually.

I know that no matter our circumstances Heavenly Father wants us to be happy but that is something we must also choose for ourselves. No matter what life has in store for us. As we progress from moment to moment, acquiring lincoln log after lincoln log what we will end up with is something far more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.

I know that God lives & loves each one of us. As we continue to express gratitude for all our many blessings we will have greater joy and feel His spirit more fully. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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