growth outside the box

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Welcome to my blog! I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, those in the world and in the Light of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though I don’t claim to know the answer to all things, I do know who has helped me, my Savior and yours Jesus Christ. Even if only in a small way I hope that my experience may be of some help to you.

Whether or not you choose to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ as I have is up to you. What I share comes from my heart. It is not my intent to preach to you, only to share what has taken place in my own life. Express how I felt about religion before I reached a point where I was willing to embrace it.


We all have questions and are in need of answers. Many of us don’t know where to turn for those answers. Even if religion isn’t what we are seeking it is nice to know that there are others out there who have been where we are. Struggling in this life to make sense of it all. Whatever it is you are seeking I hope you are able to find it.

I have passed through my fair share of struggles in this life. My hope is that through sharing my experiences I might help others who are going through similar struggles. One of the things that have helped me so greatly is learning from others, seeing that they too have passed through the things I have gone through or am struggling with. 

We are not alone

The great thing about this life, whether as a disciple of Christ or not, is that none of us are asked or even required to pass through it alone. Whether we are in a place in our lives where we can admit it or not our Savior is ever aware of our needs. Once we reach a point where we are able to step back and look at things from a new perspective we will see how very near us He has always been. 

We also have friends, family and those who love and care for us to help us along the way. Each person we come in contact with is someone we are meant to meet. Whether it is us who help them or them who teach us, it is no coincidence.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts.