growth outside the box


I’m Kelly Jo, a daughter of our Heavenly Father. A sister to all. Loving mother. Convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and disciple of Christ. As I post, the thoughts and feelings of my heart, sharing with you things I have come to learn in my life and through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I hope that you will feel as though you can come to me with your questions.

I am perfectly imperfect and have made many mistakes so there is no judgment here. I simply want to share with you bits of my life and how I have come to see The Lord’s hand in it and, how I am able to experience the many powers of The Atonement of Jesus Christ and so much more.

Through our Savior Jesus Christ, a mighty change was wrought upon my heart just over 9 short years ago. My blog is a history of how I reached this point in my life. I’d like to share my journey so that others may see through my example just how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has illuminated my soul.

Earlier Years

Gettysburg, South Dakota is where I am from. A small town that I love and miss. My parents had 3 children while they were married, they divorced when I was 5. Custody was granted to our mother. A year after their divorce we moved to Pierre, SD. Not long after that, we moved to Rapid City, SD. We rarely saw our father after that last move, I don’t really know or understand all the details as to why.

Details of my childhood will come out in pieces through my blog posts. We were not raised in a religious home by any means. My mother didn’t really ever teach us about God though she did not stop us from attending Bible School or church. That only lasted a couple of years, however. (That is a story I will get to in my conversion story.)

Being an Adult

I have been married and divorced and have 3 children of my own. My relationship with my children as well as my own family is complicated but we try our best. I have come to learn a lot in the last few years and my understanding as deepened with regard my relationship with members of my family. There are events in life that shape and mold each of us and can have a lasting effect on the relationships we have. We are all blessed with free agency and make choices that have reaching and lasting effects, some good others not so. There is a reason we have been warned against judging others.

Long story short here I am today. I am a proud member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Looking back on my past, I have been forgiven of my sins and am able to see how the Lord’s hand has always been in my life. Though I don’t always know how or why some things have or haven’t happened, I am grateful and know that I have been blessed.

My Passion

I have felt the desire to write since joining The Church. Writing I believe is something I must do as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We learn by example. Some of the things I have learned have been good while other examples were not so good. I have come to see events in my life and how they have unfolded in ways that have shaped and molded me into the woman I am today.

I am a beautiful mess. In accepting the Gospel I have come to realize that we have all been divinely created. This is not something I have always known, however. We all have a past and I, like many I am sure, have done things in my past that I am not proud of. I have come to understand that our mistakes do not define us, they are meant to refine us.

I hope that by sharing my story, my thoughts, and my insight, might help someone to see that hope is never lost. There is always a way. Most importantly, I hope to help you see that no matter what YOU are LOVED! By me, by others and especially by our savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts.