growth outside the box

The Heart of my Blog

I have felt the desire to write since joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Sharing my story is something I believe I must do as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We learn by example. I have learned by the example of others-some good examples some not so good. Events in my life and how they have unfolded have shaped and molded me into the woman I am today.

My Greatest Influence

The heart of any good thing has everything to do with influence. Those things that influence us for good can be seen in our day-to-day actions. In my blog, I will share with you the things that have had the greatest influence on me, in my life and have helped to transform me into the person I have become.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and its standards, principles, and life of our Savior Jesus Christ has been the greatest influence over the last 8 years. My strength and encouragement come from reading and studying the scriptures, attending church meetings & listening to General Conference talks as well as other talks that can be found online by visiting

The wonderful people I have met at church have also been a remarkable influence. As they strive to live the standards of The Church, I have learned to rely upon our Savior to help me through the challenges and trials of this life. It is in relying on Him that has shaped and molded me into the woman I am today. The trials in my life have helped me to find the faith I secretly hoped for.

Why I have a desire to share my Story

Reaching this point in my life has taken a long time. A point where I am comfortable enough talking about my faith and why I believe in Jesus Christ and His teachings. I wish I had been taught more about the importance of church when I was younger. Instead, I was told I needed to go to church. That is why I am sharing my story because I know how it feels to be lost. I understand not really knowing what to believe or who to believe in.

Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is what feels right to me. It makes sense and has put my once-troubled heart at ease. If by sharing my story I am able to help even one person it will have been worth it. At any point if you have questions please feel free to ask, I’m here to try my best to help others, love as Christ loves me, and not judge as it is not my place to.