growth outside the box

The Heart of My Understanding

Often times we become so caught up in our day to day lives that we become consumed. Sometimes we lose sight of why we are really here, what really matters and we lose sight of the real and true answers to the questions we have, our questions on life, love, our trials and efforts. When […]

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FAITH…Once a Weakness, Now My Greatest Strength

For those of you who know me, go back with me if you will to the year 2013, I had just converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in late February. It was something I had been working towards since September of the previous year, taking the new member lessons from the […]

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The Purpose of Life & What It Is

original post date: April 14, 2013 Recently someone asked, “what’s the purpose?” Mind you, for whatever reason, this person no longer sees the purpose nor meaning to anything. Things happen in each of our lives that can drive us to ask ourselves or even others that very question. There was a time in my own […]

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Power to Become-Discovering our True Potential

written  February 20, 2018 Before I became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, no one ever told me that I was a child of God. No one pointed out the good in me or told me that I had the potential to be anything that would be of any significance […]

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Embracing Pain to See the Light of Christ & His Love for Us

original post date: January 11, 2018 Sitting here, minding my own business, trying not to get lost in my own thoughts I hear this song and it speaks not only to my spirit, my soul but also my life. It causes me to ponder things in a new way and hear the words in a […]

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How I Do It – My Relationship with Christ

original post date: March 21, 2017 Here we are again, another night where writing has been taunting me for the last few days and I have been trying to get it all sorted out in my head as to what it is I really need to say. At first, I thought it was why being […]

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Power to Become, Our Potential as Children of God

original post date: July 9, 2017 Let me begin with this scripture that is at the bottom of the page in my journal today: Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways […]

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Have faith, Fear not, He is with You


original post date: March 24, 2017 The other day I was looking for something and came across some poems and stuff I had written when I was younger. In the mess of papers I came across a sheet that had two verses of scripture from the Bible written on it, the first being: Hebrews 13:5-6 […]

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An Instrument in His Hands

original post date: March 15,2017   I have had these thoughts rambling about in my mind since Monday and so, here I am trying to organize them in order that I might share them with you.   Monday night I had the great privilege to have dinner with a wonderful family, they are very dear friends of […]

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