growth outside the box

Power to Become, Our Potential as Children of God

original post date: July 9, 2017

Let me begin with this scripture that is at the bottom of the page in my journal today:

Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Who volunteers to speak in sacrament….I do. I may be the only person I know that would actually mention to the bishop that he has never asked me to speak in church. It is such a wonderful privilege to have this opportunity to speak to you today, I pray that I may have the spirit with me to convey the things our Heavenly Father would have each of you know.

When the bishop asked me to speak this Sunday I asked him what he would like me to speak about. He asked me if I had any feelings on what I should talk about. I told him I would pray for direction. He gave me until Sunday to feel a direction and I told him I would let him know.

I really thought it might take me a while to figure out a topic but I was headed to the temple so in my prayers I asked for direction and guidance from our Heavenly Father, knowing He hears and answers our prayers. As we were in the session something came to mind. I had read this book called The Peter Potential, I have been meaning to read it again. As we came out of the room we had been in and went to another room we went passed this picture of Jesus with Peter and some of the other disciples in the boat coming to shore….it made me think of a scripture found in Matthew 4:20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

When we got back to the car I texted the bishop and let him know that the word potential had come to my mind and was quickly followed by thoughts on this book I had read. I have been realizing my potential the last few weeks, with the help of my Heavenly Father and recognizing how our Savior Jesus Christ has truly changed me. Bishop loved it and thought it sounded like a great topic.

I have sat at my kitchen table for the last few days reading and studying the scriptures, searching for a direction to take this talk. I tried to gain insight by skimming over the book again, but that is a story that someone has already told. I am to tell a new one, one that just like Peter’s story can also be applied to each one of us.

This is in short, my story and what I hope to help each of you see for yourself, in yourself. I do not tell this story alone, because I have not lived this story alone. Heavenly Father is an ever present figure in my life as is His son Jesus Christ, though there presence has not always been something I was able to see or even recognize. This journey I have embarked on will forever be a journey I will make, with their loving guidance and support.

Heavenly Father loves and cares for each one of us so much that He patiently instructs us time and time again until we are able to open our eyes and hearts especially and truly see what He wants us to know. I am so grateful for His loving patience in my own stubbornness. I am so very grateful that He has never given up on me. He will never give up on you either and here is why: D&C 18:10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. He has such great love for us, His children.

We have been instructed, even commanded if I may be so bold in saying, to liken the scriptures unto ourselves. So, read that with me again but this time hear Him speaking to you, directly and with so much love, “Remember the worth of your soul is great in my sight.” There is so much power packed in those few words, how do you not feel His great love for you? How then do you not have a deep desire to see yourself even as He sees you?

Growing up, no one ever told me that I was a child of God. That was something I had never heard. No one pointed out the good in me or told me that I had the potential to be anyone that would be of any significance to anyone. I knew when and what I screwed up, I knew when I did wrong. Even in those moments when I knew I had done the right thing, I was made to feel that it was wrong and I was shamed for it. I always felt like it was pointed out more that I was a screw up than I was anything else.

The only worth I truly had as a kid, and into my teen years, was that of taking care of things so my mother wouldn’t have to. Sure everyone has chores, they help around the house and even help tend to and take care of siblings but this was different. I am grateful that she provided shelter over our heads, clothing on our backs and food on the table. I don’t even know that there was much love felt for us at home which makes me wonder how it is I ever learned to give love to others.

To anyone out there who does not know, let me be the one to tell you-You are a child of God, you are of infinite worth to Him, you have potential beyond all comprehension as you allow Him into your heart and your life. I say this with great certainty, I testify to you of it’s reality because I see what our Savior has done for me.

Those feelings of insignificance and no worth are part of my past, part of what once was and what has helped shape me into the person I am in part today. My parents do not get credit for the person I have become. No, credit for who I have become is a three part gratitude factor. One part Heavenly Father and all that He truly encompasses. One part our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, His great sacrifice and the all encompassing Atonement. The last part is me.

My acceptance of and receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ into my heart and my life.

My becoming a member of His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; my willingness to love, honor and serve Him with my whole heart, nothing wavering.

My obedience to His commandments ever single one, as best as I can.

My deep desire to align my will with His will for me.

And my unshakable faith in our Savior and His ability of to truly change me through the Atonement  and complete reliance on my Heavenly Father and His love for me.

Alma 5: 12 And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. We are changed through the atonement as we repent and turn away from sin……this is only the beginning of our potential, it begins with a simple desire. My potential began as a small, seemingly insignificant action, my desire to know more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Secretly, I wanted to know which church was true.

It has been said that small actions lead to great things. That desire began a chain of events in my life that is still in motion. From my desire to know truth, Heavenly Father helped me to find it. Our Savior through His infinite atonement softened my heart so that I was able to receive truth.  Once I had received the truth I had long searched for, secretly mind you, I made the decision to become baptized. I was blessed as we each are to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and was confirmed a member of The Church.

Our Savior does not intend to take anyone of us on a surface journey-where He would have us go requires us to be willing to go out of our bounds, into the uncharted deep waters that He may show each of us who we truly are. He can’t take us if we don’t want to go and He won’t show us who we truly are if we aren’t completely determined to become who He sees and wholeheartedly committed to Him.

“Give Him all that you have to offer. He will bless it. He will make it more. “  I gave Him what I was, I was completely broken. I felt like a shell of a being. Deep down I thought I was a good person, I felt as though I had so much to offer but why is it I should feel that way? No one had really ever shown me that there was more to me than what I had to offer. I was useful but that doesn’t say much about my potential, not what truly lies within me. No one really saw me, not the real me. I don’t even know that I knew who I was.

I guess I shouldn’t say no one, because our Heavenly Father saw every bit of who I truly was, am and am capable of becoming, as I rely upon Him. It is in those broken states that we, at times find ourselves in, that He is there for us. It is in those moments our Savior is at our door knocking, hoping that at this moment we will let Him in. I am grateful for those humbling moments and for His ever present love where he takes us in His arms in a loving embrace and then takes us by the hand and helps us find our way; He helps us to see who we can truly be with His help. He shows us little by little our true potential.

I gave to Him my brokenness, every piece of my shattered heart; it was all I had to offer. He has blessed it, He has made it whole again, He has made me whole again is also doing with my life so much more than I ever imagined possible. The changes I have seen in me over the last 4 years….I don’t even know where to begin but I know it is only the start. He has been helping me to see my true potential from the very start.

D&C 76:10 For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will— If we once again liken this scripture unto ourselves, and expound on it, making it personal to us, we can see that He will enlighten each of us by His power and make known unto us the secrets of His will for us. He already knows who we are, He wants to help us see who we truly are.  We are the offspring of God, the children of the Almighty King,- How great then is our potential in this life?

Gary E. Stevenson said “You have the Savior of the world on your side, How can you fail?” I want for you to work with me here and take that statement and make it an attitude! He wants each of us to succeed. He wants to help us rise to our true potential.  He sees so much worth in us and He is so willing to help us see ourselves as He sees us, even if all we get is a glimpse.

How is that even possible you might be wondering, well, the answer there is quite simple you see, Psalms 44:21 … for he knoweth the secrets of the heart. Again I ask you to liken this verse unto yourself and take it personally, He knows the secrets of my heart…..your heart. What a tremendous blessing that is. This is a blessing I am so very grateful for. I don’t know how it is possible and it doesn’t really matter, what does matter is that I know it is true.

Heavenly Father has always seen in me the things I was never quite able to see for myself. He knows my innermost desires, the dreams of my heart; He knows me better than I know myself. He has heard the prayers not only of my mouth but especially those of my heart. He knows how best to help me, if I will only listen and He has patiently taught me how to hear Him. He shows me how well He knows me as I read and study the scriptures, He tells me not only the desires of my heart but gives me the confidence to achieve all that I hope to by telling me that I will.

With all my heart, I know He can and will do these same things for you. Are you willing to let Him in? Will you give to Him all that there is of you, every broken, shattered piece? Will you allow Him to make you more than you ever dreamed possible?

Before I close, I would like to share with you one more scripture from Isaiah 61:3  to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.

I testify to you of our Heavenly Father’s great love for each one of us. There are no bounds we can step beyond where He is not able to reach us. I have been outside the bounds He has set before us and He has truly rescued me. I testify to you of our Savior’s great love and sacrifice to save each and every one of us, we only have to choose to follow Him. I promise you with all of my heart it is a choice you will not ever regret, I don’t.

I testify of His ability to not only help us see our true potential but to help us rise to our true potential. There is no limit to what our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ can do with a willing heart. I know this to be true, I see them working through my. It is my heartfelt prayer that you will allow them to share with you how they see you, that you will allow them to help you rise to your potential. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.