growth outside the box

My Journey to Be One With Christ

Good morning, brothers & sisters. I have opted to forgo the usual introduction new ward members offer and dive right into my talk. I pray that as I do so, the Holy Ghost will be with us all, opening our hearts to hear the words that our Father in Heaven would have us hear.  I […]

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The Atonement – My Understanding of It a Year after I was Baptized

Written February 21, 2014 I had totally forgotten about this, it was the very first prepared talk I gave during sacrament meeting. I had only been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a year at that point and the day before I actually sat down to write out my […]

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Sunshine In My Soul

original post date: March 9,2017 Today is another day like any other but for me it is nothing short of amazing….why, who knows, that’s just how I am. On days like today I often wonder how it is anyone can stand being around me…I am so happy, caring and loving, full of compliments for everyone, […]

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