growth outside the box

My Journey to Be One With Christ

Good morning, brothers & sisters. I have opted to forgo the usual introduction new ward members offer and dive right into my talk. I pray that as I do so, the Holy Ghost will be with us all, opening our hearts to hear the words that our Father in Heaven would have us hear.  I […]

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How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change Individually

Good morning brothers & sisters, my dear friends. I pray that as I speak the spirit may be with each of you, I pray also that the spirit may be with me, that I may convey the words to you our Father in Heaven would have me share with you today. I was excited to […]

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Words of Wisdom

Written January 30, 2015 I found this tucked in one of my many notebooks. It was something I wrote by hand, not sure of the reason or what inspired this writing but I feel it should be shared. Questions Lead to Gaining Knowledge Words of wisdom on believing in God the Eternal Father and in […]

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The Atonement – My Understanding of It a Year after I was Baptized

Written February 21, 2014 I had totally forgotten about this, it was the very first prepared talk I gave during sacrament meeting. I had only been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a year at that point and the day before I actually sat down to write out my […]

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How I Do It – My Relationship with Christ

written March 21, 2017 Here we are again, another night where writing has been taunting me for the last few days and I have been trying to get it all sorted out in my head as to what it was I really needed to say. At first, it was why being a member of the […]

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Gospel Principles

In this portion of my blog, I will share with you some of the most important gospel principles. haring with you how applying them in my life has made a difference in every aspect of my life.  As a disciple of Jesus Christ and a member of His church, there are principles and standards by […]

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If there is anything we truly wish to know it first begins within us as a desire. When it comes to learning of Jesus Christ we must have within us a desire to know about Him. As that desire grows we come to want to know more. More about Him, who He is, His life, […]

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FAITH…Once a Weakness, Now My Greatest Strength

For those of you who know me, go back with me if you will to the year 2013, I had just converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in late February. It was something I had been working towards since September of the previous year, taking the new member lessons from the […]

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The Purpose of Life & What It Is

original post date: April 14, 2013 Recently someone asked, “what’s the purpose?” Mind you, for whatever reason, this person no longer sees the purpose nor meaning to anything. Things happen in each of our lives that can drive us to ask ourselves or even others that very question. There was a time in my own […]

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Power to Become-Discovering our True Potential

written  February 20, 2018 Before I became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, no one ever told me that I was a child of God. No one pointed out the good in me or told me that I had the potential to be anything that would be of any significance […]

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