growth outside the box

Power to Become-Discovering our True Potential

written  February 20, 2018 Before I became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, no one ever told me that I was a child of God. No one pointed out the good in me or told me that I had the potential to be anything that would be of any significance […]

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Have faith, Fear not, He is with You


original post date: March 24, 2017 The other day I was looking for something and came across some poems and stuff I had written when I was younger. In the mess of papers I came across a sheet that had two verses of scripture from the Bible written on it, the first being: Hebrews 13:5-6 […]

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An Instrument in His Hands

original post date: March 15,2017   I have had these thoughts rambling about in my mind since Monday and so, here I am trying to organize them in order that I might share them with you.   Monday night I had the great privilege to have dinner with a wonderful family, they are very dear friends of […]

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