growth outside the box

You Are …More

“Just because a thought knocks on the door of your mind doesn’t mean you have to invite it in.” ~ Unknown ~This post is dedicated to my baby Sissy and my sweet husband, I love you both more than words can say. Sissy, I believe in you and have absolute faith in you and your […]

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Principles of The Gospel

Here I would like to share with you Principles of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This was once a class taught during our Sunday school hour of church, back when we had a 3-hour block at church. These principles are fundamental to our religion.  For the most part, each principle will have its own post. […]

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An Instrument in His Hands

original post date: March 15,2017   I have had these thoughts rambling about in my mind since Monday and so, here I am trying to organize them in order that I might share them with you.   Monday night I had the great privilege to have dinner with a wonderful family, they are very dear friends of […]

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