growth outside the box

My Journey to Be One With Christ

Good morning, brothers & sisters. I have opted to forgo the usual introduction new ward members offer and dive right into my talk. I pray that as I do so, the Holy Ghost will be with us all, opening our hearts to hear the words that our Father in Heaven would have us hear.  I […]

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The Things of My Soul- My Relationship with God

Good morning brothers and sisters, what a beautiful day this is. I feel blessed and humbled to have the opportunity to speak with you today. I can only imagine the thoughts that crossed Brother Richards’ mind last week when he called me and I didn’t answer the phone. To be fair, I didn’t recognize the […]

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How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change Individually

Good morning brothers & sisters, my dear friends. I pray that as I speak the spirit may be with each of you, I pray also that the spirit may be with me, that I may convey the words to you our Father in Heaven would have me share with you today. I was excited to […]

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Faith in Jesus Christ

What is faith? It is a spiritual gift that is necessary for our salvation. Faith is the first principle of the gospel. It is a hope for things that cannot be seen but are true. (see Hebrews 11:1 & Alma 32:21) Faith is pure power and action, a principle that motivates us each day. A […]

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The Sacrament as stated in The Living Christ-my personal feelings & insight

Home Sacrament

“He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. He was arrested and condemned on spurious charges, convicted to satisfy a mob, and sentenced to die on Calvary’s cross. He gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind. His was a great vicarious gift in behalf of all who […]

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You Are …More

“Just because a thought knocks on the door of your mind doesn’t mean you have to invite it in.” ~ Unknown ~This post is dedicated to my baby Sissy and my sweet husband, I love you both more than words can say. Sissy, I believe in you and have absolute faith in you and your […]

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Words of Wisdom

Written January 30, 2015 I found this tucked in one of my many notebooks. It was something I wrote by hand, not sure of the reason or what inspired this writing but I feel it should be shared. Questions Lead to Gaining Knowledge Words of wisdom on believing in God the Eternal Father and in […]

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The Atonement – My Understanding of It a Year after I was Baptized

Written February 21, 2014 I had totally forgotten about this, it was the very first prepared talk I gave during sacrament meeting. I had only been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a year at that point and the day before I actually sat down to write out my […]

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How I Do It – My Relationship with Christ

written March 21, 2017 Here we are again, another night where writing has been taunting me for the last few days and I have been trying to get it all sorted out in my head as to what it was I really needed to say. At first, it was why being a member of the […]

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Gospel Principles

In this portion of my blog, I will share with you some of the most important gospel principles. haring with you how applying them in my life has made a difference in every aspect of my life.  As a disciple of Jesus Christ and a member of His church, there are principles and standards by […]

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