growth outside the box

Principles of The Gospel

Here I would like to share with you Principles of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This was once a class taught during our Sunday school hour of church, back when we had a 3-hour block at church. These principles are fundamental to our religion.  For the most part, each principle will have its own post. […]

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Gospel Principles

In this portion of my blog, I will share with you some of the most important gospel principles. haring with you how applying them in my life has made a difference in every aspect of my life.  As a disciple of Jesus Christ and a member of His church, there are principles and standards by […]

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Power to Become, Our Potential as Children of God

original post date: July 9, 2017 Let me begin with this scripture that is at the bottom of the page in my journal today: Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways […]

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Truth & Testimony


What is truth? Is there a God, isn’t there? What is a testimony? How do we gain this knowledge? Who or where do we turn to for answers? Truth According to Merriam-Webster is the real facts about something: the things that are true; the quality or state of being true; a statement or idea that […]

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