growth outside the box

The Things of My Soul- My Relationship with God

Good morning brothers and sisters, what a beautiful day this is. I feel blessed and humbled to have the opportunity to speak with you today. I can only imagine the thoughts that crossed Brother Richards’ mind last week when he called me and I didn’t answer the phone. To be fair, I didn’t recognize the […]

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FAITH…Once a Weakness, Now My Greatest Strength

For those of you who know me, go back with me if you will to the year 2013, I had just converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in late February. It was something I had been working towards since September of the previous year, taking the new member lessons from the […]

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Embracing Pain to See the Light of Christ & His Love for Us

original post date: January 11, 2018 Sitting here, minding my own business, trying not to get lost in my own thoughts I hear this song and it speaks not only to my spirit, my soul but also my life. It causes me to ponder things in a new way and hear the words in a […]

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