growth outside the box

The Prodigal One – October 27, 2019

Watching Bible videos today and while watching the story of the prodigal son a powerful thought came to my mind…I once was like the prodigal son though what I squandered away is not found in gold or riches but in time and knowledge for I had the one but was lacking in the other. My heart was hardened to the knowledge of His great truth, the very light of life. I was lost just as the father in the video feared his younger son was.

Just as it was for the son in the video, so it was for me that after time I came to myself, he returned to the land of his father and I…well, I was brought to a land that after a season caused my heart to soften and eventually embrace His truth and light.

When his father saw him he was glad just as was the Father when I embraced the truth and light of His son. Our Heavenly Father is much like the father in this story for He loves all His children, those who follow His commandments and live the standards of the Gospel as well as those who are or become lost. Great is His joy when those who are lost find their way home to Him just as it is when those who have wandered off the path return to make their way back home to Him.

Words seem to fail me here in expressing the feelings I felt when this powerful thought came to mind. Never the less it was powerful to me, I hope that it may touch your heart as it has mine.