growth outside the box

The Purpose of Life & What It Is

original post date: April 14, 2013

Recently someone asked, “what’s the purpose?” Mind you, for whatever reason, this person no longer sees the purpose nor meaning to anything. Things happen in each of our lives that can drive us to ask ourselves or even others that very question. There was a time in my own life I asked that very question, “what’s the purpose?” Truth be told there is a purpose for everything in our lives even if we don’t quite comprehend all that is going on. It is all part of Gods plan for each of us. Whether you believe in Christ or not this is true.

There is a reason for every good and bad thing that happens in our lives. Believing in Christ can make these times of struggle easier to bear. Though we at times may think that we had all we needed and seemed our self to be happy, God knows all. There is a time and a season for everything in our lives, even in love.

Sometimes we reach a point in our lives that we just learn to live with things as they are, whether we are truly happy or not. We can make it seem as though we are happy but our Heavenly Father knows better. I think that’s why some loves end, He sees that something needs to change and while it may seem to be a horrible tragedy it is really a trial, set before us by The Lord, a trial of our faith in Him, a test of our devotion to Him. 

If our faith and love for Him is great and unwavering we will find that in time we will rise above the tragedy and find that we are better, stronger, and wiser because of our trial. Should our faith and love for Him falter or even cease we will find doubt and despair creeping in and at a quick pace.

That is how Satan works and he revels in our pain and misery, the greater our pain, agony, and misery the easier it is for Satan to win us over. When Satan sees he is winning us over that is when we start seeing that life is hopeless and that there is no happiness left for us. When Satan takes over our heart that is when we cease to remember the very purpose of life and see only darkness before us.

We no longer have in sight the true meaning of life but we can get back on track towards the light of Christ. If you had Christ in your life before you were struck by whatever tragedy get Him back in your life and if you didn’t have Him in your life before, seek Him out. There are so many avenues in which to find Him and He wants you to find Him.

Come to church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, all are welcome, have the Missionaries over, study the scriptures. Cleave unto Him and He will help you through these tough times. Though you may see the tragedy in your life as something meant to tear you down, step back and try to look at it differently, more as a means of rebuilding you into something better.

That is what has happened for me and I can say with my whole heart that I don’t ever want to go back to who I was before. I finally see Gods plan for me, though not the entire picture, I see there is a purpose to my life. I do my best to do the right thing always, to keep the covenants I have made with Heavenly Father and to set an example, a worthy example for all who see me. Who I was is no more for who I am is so much better.

People do truly change, I have witnessed it for myself, I have seen it in myself. 

Sometimes, almost every time I think, good things can fall apart so that something far better than you knew before can blossom and grow into something bigger and better than anything you knew before. For this to happen however, you must first have faith in God and trust in Him completely, this includes His timing as well.

Second, make and keep sacred covenants with The Lord.

Third, believe that all things good or bad in our lives are meant to strengthen us because everything happens for a reason. One of my favorite scriptures helps me in times when I don’t quite understand, D&C 122:7 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.

Ball that all up and integrate it into your daily life and you will find happiness, more pure and sweeter than before. Just remember, it all starts with faith in Jesus Christ.