growth outside the box

The Reason for Pain-June 21, 2017

Our pain is a reason for us to believe. It gives us hope for something better, something more.

My pain has made me a believer. It was in losing it all that I gained the most. It is where I found my faith.

(Matthew 28:18-20 FHE studying-Faith to Reap)

In reading about the 2nd principle of having faith to reap, it’s said that our desires should be consistent with the will of God. It made me think of my most recent marriage flop.

I don’t think my desire to save my marriage was contrary to god’s will-He wants for me to have a successful loving marriage- it was in who it was ith. I wasn’t near as knowledgeable then as I am now. Not like I know a whole lot more but I feel more in tune with the spirit now than I was then.

I feel there were warnings before that I ignored and while the situation has helped me to progress in ways I no otherwise could have, I don’t think I should have married him.

True it was probably always part of Heavenly Father’s plan for me to help me become the woman and disciple of Christ that I am striving to become. My will was not in alignment with Heavenly Fathers. I want a loving, happy marriage & family life. True, He wants that for me as well but this wasn’t it. This was part of His plan to help me become.

I have conformed my desires to God’s will. I want for my will to be swallowed up by His will for me.