growth outside the box

Valuable Life Lessons….learned the hard way

1. Having a relationship with our Savior is absolutely necessary.

2. As kids we expect our parents to be perfect and always make the right choices.

3. As parents we tend to expect more from our kids I believe because deep down we know their true potential and want for them to rise to it but for our kids, that can seem to be expecting too much.

4. Sometimes the lessons we think we are teaching our kids by our example aren’t always the lessons they are picking up from us.

5. Love and kindness are far greater and more powerful than hate and discontent will ever hope to be.

6. Holding on to hurt and anger for others doesn’t affect them near as much as it is destroying you.

7. Do we expect more from others than we do from ourselves or are we expecting more because of the efforts we feel we put in? Expecting perfection from others when we are nowhere near perfect. I am grateful that Heavenly Father holds us to such high standards but does not condemn us for not living up to every single one. Sometimes I feel we do this to others, even those we love.