growth outside the box

Words of Wisdom

Written January 30, 2015

I found this tucked in one of my many notebooks. It was something I wrote by hand, not sure of the reason or what inspired this writing but I feel it should be shared.

Questions Lead to Gaining Knowledge

Words of wisdom on believing in God the Eternal Father and in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, on our having or gaining knowledge of truths. 

We must depend on God to reveal this knowledge to us as we turn to Him with our questions, as we rely upon Him to speak truths to us through the Holy Ghost. This is something anyone of any religious faith can do-this is not something that only members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints can acquire. 

Joseph Smith had one important question he wanted truth on when he sought the Lord. He was just a boy, 14-15 years old, who had been raised to believe in God and he did, as did his family. He had questions as many of us do at some point in our lives but Joseph-from my perspective- was not a boy of the world. He didn’t acquire his knowledge of the truth by asking others what he should believe. 

Where to Turn for Answers

No, he found his answer by turning to the scriptures where, if we follow what we are taught and liken the scriptures to ourselves, he was told in the epistle of James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. What this verse means for any of us, to all of us if we turn to our Heavenly Father and ask of Him, in faith, He will answer us and not be angry with us for asking him what we should believe. He loves us completely and knows our hearts so very intimately. He wants us to turn to Him when the truth is what we seek when knowledge of Him is what we desire. 

Sure, Joseph received his answer quite swiftly-it was in the Lord’s time that he asked and it was revealed. For me, I didn’t know who to turn to. I knew and understood very little about the scriptures and secretly I felt very ashamed for questioning the truth and reality of the existence of God. I didn’t want anyone to know how I felt, that I was lost and confused and, I especially feared the judgment and severity of punishment from the Lord should He truly exist. (This right here tells you that I knew nothing of the nature of God, His love and understanding and His desire to help me.)

Waiting on the Lord

I waited for most of my life to come to this knowledge and once I had it has been as if the floodgates of knowledge have been opened. That’s kind of funny seeing as how my home had been flooded not so long ago. (This being my home in Rigby, Idaho, the first home I ever owned on my own.)

I see things so clearly now-I don’t have all the answers-heck, I don’t think I have any. What I do know fills my heart and soul and oh how it delights my spirit. Heavenly Father has always known me, has always known what was in my heart. He lead me to exactly where I needed to be so my heart was warm and open to receiving the truth as it fell upon my ears when I was told the story of a boy who wondered which church he should join. That story, that piece of amazing history, changed my life-Heavenly Father has changed my life.

I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the one and only true church. I pray you may each inquire of our Heavenly Father and attain this knowledge for yourself for this is a knowledge I cannot give to you, nor can anyone else-you can only receive it from our loving, merciful Heavenly Father. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.